
  • Contact / Quote

    Prices and quotes
    For translation: Quotes provided on request and based on document to be translated and language combination Service invoiced on an hourly basis for proofreading, amendments and updates to previously translated documents
    For interpretation: Personalised quotes provided on request according to your needs Service invoiced on a daily basis Travel time, travel costs and accommodation invoiced separatelyContact
    Our assistant, Marie-Claire Le Souffaché, will be happy to give (...)

  • Disclaimer

    Use of the L&T (Technical language services) website implies unreserved acceptance of the general terms and conditions of use below.
    Intellectual Property
    Trademarks and logos appearing on the www.langues-technique.fr website are the property of L&T and are protected by current French intellectual property law. They may not be used or copied in any way without the prior and unequivocal authorisation of L&T who reserves the right to take legal action in the case of (...)
